Alessandra Sabina Lanotte
Research Director

Starting from December 2001, I joined the National Research Council (CNR), with a research permanent position at the Institute for Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC), in Lecce (IT). Since then, I integrated my interests for the statistical properties of ideal turbulent flows (statistically homogeneous and isotropic), with a new interest for realistic, geophysical flows: multi-phase flows, planetary boundary layer flows. In particular, I have been working for some years on the Lagrangian transport of inertial particles in turbulent flows, and on the role of turbulence in the formation of cumulus clouds. From March 2008 until June 2012, I have been Lecturer for a class on Deterministic Chaos, at the Physics Dept. of the University Tor Vergata, Rome. In 2012, I got the Italian ASN as Associate Professor in SSN 02/A2 “Fisica Teorica delle Interazioni Fondamentali”, 02/B2 “Fisica Teorica della Materia”; 02/C1 ” Astronomia, Astrofisica, Fisica della Terra e dei Pianeti”. Starting from December 2018, I have a position at the Institute of Nanotechnology (CNR NANOTEC), in Lecce (IT)
- Curriculum vitae
- Personal Website