‘HEROES – Hybrid ElectROchemical Energy storage in Sustainable batteries’ (P2022AFYZX)
Call: Decreto Direttoriale n. 1409 del 14-9-2022 https://www.mur.gov.it/it/atti-e-normativa/decreto-direttoriale-n-1409-del-14-9-2022 Next Generation EU, Missione 4 “Istruzione e Ricerca” del Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza componente C2 – investimento 1.1, Fondo per il Programma Nazionale di Ricerca e Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN)
Duration: 30 November 2023 – 29 November 2025
Description: The project ‘HEROES’ aims to develop new sustainable batteries by transforming traditional electrodes, currently based on critical raw materials, and incorporating organic molecules as active energy storage materials. This involves creating a novel electrode architecture where redox-active organic molecules are anchored to a semiconductive nanostructure composed of metal oxide nanocrystals with tailored properties. The electrode will play multiple key roles: providing a stable base for the redox molecules, maximizing surface area for higher molecule loading, enabling efficient charge transport, and ensuring effective interaction with the electrolyte. The project encompasses synthesizing engineered nanocrystals, assembling them into a structured electrode, and functionalizing them with organic molecules to achieve an optimal energy match between components.
Goals: The final goal is to fabricate and study a complete battery where the new hybrid nanostructured electrode replaces conventional cathodes based on rare materials. This innovation aims to address safety and sustainability challenges associated with conventional lithium-ion batteries.
Project’s partners: The team includes two complementary and highly skilled research units, well recognized in the field of nanomaterials and nanomaterial-based devices:
- CNR Research Unit led by Dr. Luisa De Marco and composed of two sub-unit: CNR-NANOTEC (Institute of Nanotechnology of CNR) and CNR-IPCF (Institute of Chemical and Physical Processes of CNR);
- UNIBA (University of Bari) led by Prof. Maria Lucia Curri.
Their competences will be combined to create an excellent Italian cluster for significantly impact on development of sustainable batteries at international level.
Total funding: 239.917 €