A successful kick off meeting of newly launched FETOPEN project PHEMTRONICS

Active Optical Phase-Change Plasmonic Transdimensional Systems Enabling Femtojoule and Femtosecond Extreme Broadband Reconfiguarble Devices.

The 26th June marked the successful kick-off meeting of the European Commission H2020 FETOPEN project PHEMTRONICS (grant agreement No 899598), coordinated by the Institute of Nanotechnology of the Italian National Council of Research that engages 8 partners from Germany, Ireland, Austria, Spain, Romania, France.

H2020 FETOPEN PHEMTRONICS heralds a new era in the fields of mobile communications, optical computing, ultrafast athermal switching for neuromorphic computation, tuneable nanopixel displays, covering the whole value chain, from a novel class of plasmonic phase-change materials, to fabrication, design, modelling tools and integration to new device architectures.

Within this context, PHEMTRONICS aims at delivering innovative ultrafast phase-change switches, dynamically reconfigurable antennas and adaptive multiple-band detectors surpassing the current paradigms of speed, energy and frequencies.


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