Relatore: Pander Piotr H., Faculty of Chemistry Silesian, University of Technology, Strzody 9, 44 100 Gliwice, Poland
Luogo: Live/Online Seminar CNR NANOTEC, Aula Rita Levi Montalcini
Luminescent platinum(II) complexes are generally perceived as thoroughly studied, well understood and … phosphorescent. In my talk I aim to demonstrate how incorrect this view can be as platinum(II) complexes may not only display phosphorescence, but also prompt and delayed fluorescence. In the first part of my talk I will discuss various cases in which fluorescence and phosphorescence interplay and how this affects the overall photophysics of platinum(II) complexes. Second part of my talk will be focused on a more conventional property of platinum(II) complexes to form aggregates with luminescence in deep red and near infrared. However, while the fact of forming aggregates is well known, not much is understood about their composition. I will dive into the structure of these aggregates by using computational chemistry and photophysics to demonstrate how the number of aggregated units influences the photo- and electroluminescence wavelength.