Project NanoProbe – Innovative endoscopic nano-imaging using machine learning techniques


The project NanoProbe (Innovative endoscopic nano-imaging using machine learning techniques), Prot. A0375-2020-36761, is funded within the framework of Regione Lazio - Bando “Progetti Strategici 2019”, BURL n. 29 - 09 Aprile 2019, POR FESR Lazio 2014-2020. NanoProbe aims to build a prototype of a highly miniaturized probe optimized for endoscopic application. Currently, endoscopes use bundles of single-mode optical fibers, in which each fiber transports the signal of an input pixel to an output pixel, with obvious problems of size, resolution and transmission of laser light. The possibility of using a single multimode fiber probe will allow to increase the diagnostic precision, while reducing the total size of the device, thus to minimize the physiological impact on the patient as well as to give the opportunity to perform laser surgery using the same probe. To this end, techniques of statistical inference, machine learning and artificial intelligence will be used to reconstruct the images transmitted by the new probe NanoProbe. The expected results are of innovative impact, in addition to the application in medicine, also in the field of optics and artificial intelligence.

Scientific Coordinator: Dr. Daniele Sanvitto, CNR - Institute of Nanotechnology (CNR-NANOTEC)

Unit leaders: Dr. Luca Leuzzi (CNR-NANOTEC); Prof. Federico Ricci Tersenghi, Physic Dept, Sapienza University

Research team: Dr.ssa Ilenia Viola (CNR-NANOTEC); Dr.ssa Maria Chiara Angelini (Sapienza)

Funding institutions: FESR Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale - Programma Operativo regionale del Lazio – Programmazione 2014-2020. Avviso Pubblico: “Progetti di Gruppi di ricerca 2020”

Financing: €147.598,50 €

Project Duration: 15/04/2021 – 15/04/2023
